IASFM20 Forced Displacement in an Urbanizing World Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 21 - 23 Jan 2025

Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 21 - 23 Jan 2025

Call for Proposals: IASFM20 Forced Displacement in an Urbanizing World Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 21 - 23 Jan 2025


Focusing on the intersections of forced displacement, urbanisation and urban studies, IASFM20 aims to highlight spaces that are co-creating knowledge production through research led by refugees, displaced persons, and migrants urban setting contexts; spaces making for all types of displacement; collaboration between a host society and refugees, displaced peoples, and migrants; protection practices beyond the scope of existing legal frameworks, and multifaceted transformations in cities.


The IASFM20 Program Committee invites researchers, individuals with lived experiences related to (forced) migration, policy makers, and practitioners working with (forced) migrants to submit an abstract that explore the following themes:

1. Global Agenda for international Migration

2. (Re)conception of Urban Displacement and the Right to the City

3. Knowledge Production on Urban Displacement 4. Special Theme: Asia Pacific Focus

For more details on the conference themes, visit the Conference website.
